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Primary sources are the things that I can physically take photographs of, myself.


The following are a summary of the primary sources I would like to use. I have integrated both visual stimuli (though they are secondary sources they are to demonstrate what my work may look like) to aid with visualising the type of source I wish to use, and sketches of how I would use these sources in my work.



Abandoned buildings like the lead factory in newcastle would be ideal for a more dark photograph on topics such as mental illness or coping with death. Emotions that are only clear to the person suffering them, that hide 'beneath the surface' of their mind. This would allow for very interesting images that have more clear messages due to the location. A difficulty with this setting could be gaining permission from the council to enter the locations.


I could use the setting as a dark backdrop and have the person sitting in a windowledge looking distraught to portray inner turmoil.

Photo of the Lancaster gate tube via Wikipedia(artist uncredited)

The metro service runs all throughout the northeast and is a primary source that is readily

Available to me.The metro service that runs underground near my house would serve as a

good location to capture an image like this.  It would link to my theme as many of these sations

are underground, 'beneath the surface'. This would link in with my literal take on the theme

as the metros are quite literally underground.

The photographer was again, uncredited

A dark bedroom would be a rather easy to capture primary source. I would like to utilise this to create an idea of the 'monster under the bed' , the above  sketch Is how I would like to utilise the source in a photograph, by having dark monstrous hands reaching out from under the bed. The monster under the bed is hiding from view 'beneath the surface'. Another take would be manifesting mental illness next to a person crying on the bed.


The hands looming beneath the bed would either require practical effects which would take alot of time to create skilfully and convincingly, or physical/digital manipulation.

I have selected the majority of these sources due to the chance I have of realisticly being able to capture these in an image. Though I may need permision to photograph the hospital bed, it is still rather easy for me to find as there is a hospital located very close to my house. These sources will be usefull seetings for many experiments I wish to perform.

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